In June, Cuba's Dayron Robles wearing an oversize gold cross, a chunky watch and a pair of glasses almost casually broke the world record that Liu had set two years earlier. 六月,来自古巴的罗伯斯&戴着超大的金十字架、一块粗笨的表和一副眼镜的家伙很随便的就打破了刘翔两年前创造的世界记录。
Touching: In the modern day, the audience watch the film with 3D glasses. 触碰:现在的观众看电影都戴上3D眼镜。
Now scientists have invented a gadget that allows viewers to watch three dimensional holographic videoes without the need for special glasses. 现在,科学家已经发明了一个小巧的装置,使得观看者能够在不需要特殊眼镜的情况下,看到三维的全息视频。
"Don't watch the film with 'colored glasses' and it's a very touching love story," suggested Lee. 他建议,不要带着有色眼镜来观看这部非常感人的爱情片。
Clock or watch glasses or weights ( classified according to their constituent material); 钟表玻璃及钟锤(按其构成材料归类);
It is not easy to watch using3D glasses together with your own glasses. I wish I have a longer and more distinguished nose to hold both glasses. 带着自己的眼镜,再加上一副3D特制眼镜,实在不是一件容易的事情,恨不得鼻子长一点能架住两副眼镜。